
This Open Top Canvas Camping Tote B-189 is suitable for camping or everyday use.
This tote bag is proud of its strength so that it won't dent even when you put shoes, bath towels, lanterns, coffee grinders, and other utensils in it.
Q1: How should I maintain the material?
A1: For light stains, remove them by scrubbing with a soft brush or an eraser. To remove any noticeable dirt, dab the area with a soft cloth dampened with water and wrung out.
Note: Due to the processed fabric, hand washing and dry cleaning are not possible. -
Q2: Aren't bags made from 24oz canvas heavy?
A2: It's not heavy. By making the bag itself a simple shape, we have achieved weight reduction.
Q3: Are you concerned about color transfer?
A3: Due to the characteristics of the material, it may discolor if exposed to light for a long time. If you rub it when it is damp due to rain or sweat, there is a possibility of discoloration or fading.
Q4: Are you concerned about the smell?
A4: As this is a washed cotton product, there may be some odor left in the product at the time of purchase. However, the odor will almost disappear after a week to 10 days.

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